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How to improve your FTP by Hunter Allen

Assioma DUO Shi All you Need to Know

The goal of every cyclist is to improve their overall speed when riding so that we can ride with a faster group, achieve our racing goals, or meet our time goal for a Gran Fondo. Increasing your overall, average speed is the result of improved cardiovascular fitness. We can improve this by training with a […]

Just Launched: Favero Assioma DUO-Shi

772 02 S Assioma DUO Shi 03

Introducing the Favero Assioma DUO-Shi: designed and shaped to allow compatibility between Assioma and the Shimano® SPD-SL system. The Assioma DUO-Shi system offers existing Shimano® users the opportunity to continue using their current Shimano® road pedals, without sacrificing on the reliability of Favero power meters. DUO-Shi Specs:  Technical Features:  Favero ASSIOMA Products: Favero ASSIOMA UNO: […]

How to use a power meter to your advantage in a triathlon by Hunter Allen

Triathlon Pablo Ulloa

After training and pushing yourself to the limit, you will be prepared to take all of that hard-won fitness and do your best on race day. The most important thing on the bike will be pacing yourself correctly. Most triathletes do not understand how easy it is to ride too fast on the bike leg; […]